Friday, October 8, 2010

Aubrey's Appetite Makes a Comeback

Hey everyone.  This is Andy.  I'm sure everyone saw from Joshua's earlier post that Aubrey and I stopped by our pastor's house this afternoon to pick up Lilly, who has been spending half days there with her friends. 

The doctors allowed us to take Aubrey out of the hospital for six hours today, and after picking up Lilly, we took the girls home.  Aubrey was very excited to be back. 

Lilly and Aubrey today
Aubrey was feeling a lot better today after the laxative began working.  We began seeing the positive effects soon afterward.  Keep in mind that Aubrey wouldn't even eat a cookie three days ago.  But when we got home today, she sat next to Lilly, watching a DVD, and ate some cheese, pears, and strawberries - her favorite.  This is a normal-sized meal for Aubrey.  Lilly was so happy to see Aubrey and spend some time with her, and she very sweetly shared her strawberries with Aubrey. 

Later in the day, Aubrey got more restless and uncomfortable as the laxative continued working.  Because her appetite still isn't where it needs to be, we're going to continue supplementing her diet through tube feeding.  Our prayer is that as she gets her bowels sorted out, she will continue to want to eat more and more.  

She is still needs assistance to walk, but today she walked more than she has since all this began.  With more encouraging things like this happening, we are going to ask for additional passes to come home over the weekend.  On Monday or Tuesday, the doctor will reevaluate her rehab needs based on how well she does over the weekend.  If she does well and is taking in enough food and fluids, we can take out the NG tube. 

Here are some things we're praying for:
  1. that Aubrey will continue to have more of an appetite so that we can take out the NG tube
  2. a good night's rest for her
  3. that we will be able to take her home next week, even if she needs outpatient therapy for a while
  4. continued progress towards full recovery in all areas
We are doing ecstatic back flips in our hearts.  My prayer all along has been, "Lord, I just want my daughter back."  As I see His miraculous answer to this prayer, my heart is overflowing with gratitude. 

Thank you for continuing to carry Aubrey in prayer.


  1. may our loving and generous god continue to bless your family with healing and simple pleasures. the photo of lilly and aubrey sharing a snack is a sign and testament of god's amazing strength and love.

  2. Such a beautiful photo! You rock, Aubrey!!!! Thank you, Lord!

  3. This is wonderful!!! Any news on going home soon? I have been following your blog after seeing this on a friend's facebook. I am so amazed and thrilled by Aubrey's improvement! I have a friend who recently went through the same situation and their child is now in a rehabilitation facility and will likely be there for some time. He has made quite a bit of progress, but still has moments when he takes steps backwards it seems. Thank God for His miracles!!!


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