Friday, October 15, 2010

Four Areas Where Aubrey is Still Struggling

It's been a few days since we updated you on Aubrey Gallo.  Andy and Ashleigh are very thankful to have her back home, but it hasn't been without its struggles.  Here are four areas where Aubrey is struggling (with some success), but she still needs your prayers...
  1. Weight gain: The NG tube is no longer in Aubrey's nose, so she is now starting to eat and gaining weight - but it's a slow process that can be frustrating and requires constant attention.  For example, they have to keep an eye out for signs that liquid is getting into her windpipe, because it could cause pneumonia.
  2. Motor skills: Today, Aubrey went to receive therapy, and all the therapists were shocked at her progress and that she didn't have to go to inpatient rehab.  They did tell the Gallos that Aubrey's motor skills have regressed to those of a child about six months younger than her.  But the therapists are nonetheless very encouraged at Aubrey's rapid improvement and believe she will only need to come to therapy once a week for a while.
  3. Emotional volatility: Aubrey is going to do a follow-up with neurology on Tuesday.  She's showing an unusually low tolerance for a number of simple things like putting on her shirt or having her diaper changed.  It could be the anti-seizure drug that's causing this, or it could also an aftereffect of the encephalitis.  
  4. Possible epilepsy/vision damage: The doctors will try to figure out whether Aubrey has epilepsy as they continue to treat her, but there is some evidence that children who go through this illness have an increased risk of epilepsy.  There's also a possibility that Aubrey's vision was damaged by the West Nile encephalitis. 
Please pray for the following:
  • that Aubrey will continue to eat normally and continue to gain weight
  • that her swallowing will no longer be an issue and she will continue to tolerate thin liquids
  • that the emotional volatility will improve
  • that she will eventually be able to come off the seizure medications, have no epilepsy, and that she will not ever have another seizure
  • that her vision will heal
  • that, as Andy prepares to return to work, they will successfully figure out how to deal with a child who still isn't quite the same as before.

Thank you for continuing to pray.  We know you have your own issues and concerns, but your comments, prayers, and emails are such a potent reminder that Andy and Ashleigh are not alone in this.  We'll try to put up some new photos soon.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Aubrey is Home!

After the tremendous progress that Aubrey has been making, yesterday, the doctors decided she was ready to go back home.  In fact, she only has to do outpatient care at the rehab hospital.  Praise the Lord!

It's remarkable to think that, just a week ago, the post on this blog was so dire (see "A Visit to Aubrey - Definitely Keep Praying.")  Since then, Aubrey has surpassed all of the doctors' expectations.  We believe the Lord was listening to the thousands of prayers and, in response, giving her supernatural rehab that medicine could not offer.  As a result, three weeks after nearly dying at Walter Reed Hospital, Aubrey paid a visit to our church tonight.

During the service, I went over to say hello to her.  She seemed very bashful and wary at first, which is unusual for her.  But I felt so happy to see her looking healthy, and I leaned forward and said, "Aubrey, I love you."  She looked back at me and said, "I love you."  What refreshing words to hear from a little girl who couldn't even speak this time last week.

Andy and Ashleigh still request your prayers for Aubrey and their family in the following areas:
  1. Aubrey's still not eating quite enough, because she's dependent upon the NG tube, which doesn't provide all the nutrients she needs.  She could probably do a lot better with eating, but the problem is that some of the food and drink is going into her windpipe.  Please pray that her throat will heal.
  2. Aubrey's still on an emotional roller coaster.  She's been through a bizarre, frightening experience - especially for a two-year-old - and she needs to experience God's peace.  Pray that the Holy Spirit and His angels would comfort her and wipe away all the scary memories.
  3. Andy says Lilly, Aubrey's sister, doesn't quite understand the situation (she is four, after all), and when she is a little rough with her sister, they find themselves short-tempered.  They don't want to be that way, so please pray they will have grace for all three kids.
Thank you again for all your prayers.  I'm amazed to see that there are so many of you from all over the world who are checking this website or receiving email updates.  Your prayers are drawing the body of Christ together, glorifying God, and making a difference in the Gallos' life as a family.  

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